Image - CBD vs THC: A match made in hempven | Serene Tree

Posted by Serene Tree Staff on Nov 19th 2019

CBD vs THC: A match made in hempven | Serene Tree

Scientists have identified over 100 different cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, the two most prevalent and well known being; delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Although we can't make any definitive claims regarding the effects of these two compounds, we're going to go over some of the key differences between them.

In the early 1990s, scientists discovered that humans (along with other vertebrates) have a system of cannabinoid receptors in their bodies. There are two known kinds of receptors: CB1 and CB2. These receptors bind to endocannabinoid neurotransmitters that are naturally occurring in your body but they also bind to the cannabinoids found in marijuana. These two kinds of receptors have been shown to affect pain, mood, sleep and appetite, among other things. Here's the important difference between these two kinds of receptors:

CB1 receptors are typically found more in your central nervous system. Your central nervous system is comprised of your spinal cord and your brain. Because CB1 receptors tend to bind to THC far more, that makes THC much more likely to affect your brain and therefore be psychoactive. These psychoactive properties give the user what is known as a "head-high". Your perception of time, mood and memory might be influenced. The effects of THC are particularly subjective to the individual user.

The other kind of receptor, CB2, is far more commonly found in your peripheral nervous system. This is the nervous system that runs throughout your body and through all your extremities. CB2 mostly only binds with CBD and, as a result, CBD is much more likely to only affect your body and not your mental state. CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and anecdotally, to relieve pain, promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. CBD is available legally in many forms; CBD Tinctures, CBD edibles, CBD lotions and even CBD Flower or inhalables.

It's very important to note that these effects are only what is generally been found and that individual experiences may differ. Also, specific cannabinoids impacts on the body is a very new area of study and much more research is needed before any sort of concrete answer can be given as to their effects.

Lastly, the FDA has not approved the use of CBD for any health-related purposes and as a seller of CBD products, we are prohibited from assigning specific uses to CBD products. We encourage you to do your own research, talk to trusted friends and experiment to find what products are right for you! Need a reliable source of information on CBD? Go to for the best quality in the CBD industry. And sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.