Image - Delta-8 THC Vs. CBD: What's the Difference?

Posted by Serene Tree Staff on Sep 14th 2020

Delta-8 THC Vs. CBD: What's the Difference?

Delta 8 THC VS. CBD

The cannabis industry has grown immensely since its start and more people have become aware of what THC and CBD is. If you're an avid consumer, you probably know about Delta 9 THC, which is more commonly known as THC. But have you heard about Delta 8 THC?

While most people have heard about the main types of cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, there is another upcoming compound in cannabis products, Delta 8 THC. Just like Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) it’s a cannabinoid, but what are the similarities and differences? Delta 8 THC products can be found here.

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Similarities Between THC/CBD/Delta 8 THC

Like THC and CBD, Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid. But Delta 8 is produced by creating an isolate of Delta 9, known as THC. While both THC and Delta 8 THC are very similar, Delta 8 uses a man made process to be created. However, it's far from being similar to CBD. THC and Delta 8 both have psychoactive properties while CBD does not. CBD is the main compound found in Hemp which has very little psychoactive compounds in it.

What is Delta 8 THC?

Now that we’ve covered the similarities how can Delta 8 THC be different from its cousins, THC and CBD. First, let's find out what Delta 8 is.

Delta 8 is a cannabinoid which does naturally exist in cannabis plants, however it shows up in very small concentrations. More often, Delta 8 THC is man made from using Delta 9 THC in a process called isolation. While both share similar structures and related stimulating effects, Delta 8 is more stable than Delta 9 THC. In turn, Delta 8 has a lower psychoactive effect than the more common THC does. Delta 8 has also been studied for a more stable way of aiding illness in many forms.

How THC/CBD/Delta 8 Differ

As for CBD, Delta 8 is a new upcoming compound that has not been studied as thoroughly as CBD has. Chemical differences between the two are major compared to the differences between THC and Delta 8. CBD does not contain psychoactive properties and therefore is used widely for people who don’t want the feeling of being “high.” Which is why CBD is used for many instances of health issues and is known for its benefits. But, this doesn’t mean that Delta 8 can’t have benefits as well. Like THC, Delta 8 does show potential for aid in insomnia, anxiety, lack of appetite, and depression.

While THC and Delta 8 are very similar, they do have a few main differences. Obviously, they are different compounds, but that doesn’t mean they cause a different response in the endocannabinoid system. But, because Delta 9 THC combines on the ninth carbon chain and Delta 8 THC combines on the eighth carbon chain, there is a discernible difference in how it interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid receptors. With its change in molecular structure, it appears to be less potent and more appealing than the more unstable Delta 9 THC. Because of this, Delta 8 can be used to treat a wider range of cancer patients, such as those who won’t use Delta 9 THC because of the anxiety feeling they receive when they take it.

Try Delta 8 here

Can Delta 8 and CBD Be Combined?

Delta 8 already has a less severe psychoactive effect than Delta 9 THC does. But, Just like Delta 9 THC can be combined with CBD for a less psychoactive effect, Delta 8 and CBD will have the benefits of both cannabinoids with little to no high. This is because the CBD compound will interact with the same receptors as the THC compound, negating the activation of the receptor. This will still allow Delta 8 to introduce its benefits to your body while CBD will reduce the effects of the psychoactive properties of THC, while also bringing in its own benefits.

Which Cannabinoid is Right for You?

Depending on the type of person you are, you may or may not like the effects of some cannabinoids. Depending on what you are looking for in the product you are consuming, each one can be vastly different. Here is what most consumers of CBD and THC look for in each product.

CBD: If you are someone who wants non-psychoactive products with the benefits of aiding in your appetite, hunger etc. CBD is the choice. CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive effects and comes in many forms. You can consume CBD through tinctures, edibles, vapes and more. Its benefits are widely known to be useful to those with anxiety, depression and PTSD. It's marketed to aid in sleep, as well as in lack of appetite, giving you those midnight munchies. And without the high, most people prefer it if the effect of THC makes them uneasy in any way.

Delta 8 THC: Delta 8 THC is for those who still want the high, unlike CBD. However, it's known that Delta 8 has a lower psychoactive effect than Delta 9 THC. Which can be appealing to those who like the high, but don’t want to be “out-of-their-mind high.” And just like CBD, it has its benefits if you're seeking after that as well. It is known to create relaxation, clear-headedness and of course, hunger. Research has shown it helps reduce stress. Stimulate an appetite, and lessen nausea. But just like Delta 9 THC, it can also be combined with CBD for a further diminished psychoactive effect.

Delta 9 THC: Although very similar to Delta 8 THC, Delta 9 THC is for those who want the maximum high they can receive and don’t feel afflicted by the effects of psychoactive products. It is also known that Delta 8 has an increased concentration of benefits, such as a larger appetite stimulation. However, Delta 9 THC still has its benefits, especially for cancer patients. It's used in various ways, but for those who use Delta 9 THC for medical reasons, use it for pain relief, nausea control, and increased appetite. But for some, the psychoactive properties can have negative effects and cause anxiety or unease. This does not occur in everyone, but this has deterred people from consuming Delta 9 THC products. On the other hand, it can also be used with CBD to decrease the high and still allow you to reap the benefits.


CBD and the more common Delta 9 THC has a respectable name in the cannabis industry. While Delta 8 THC, although hyped up, is less credible than its more popular counterparts. However, with the information given to you, do you think that Delta-8 THC is the right choice for you?

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Want to Find out More about Delta-8 THC? Check Out our New YouTube video!