Delta-8 THC Wax Concentrate

Product Image: Delta-8 THC Wax Concentrate

Delta-8 THC Wax Dab Concentrates

Serene Tree Delta-8 THC Wax dab concentrates are available for purchase. Choose between some of the top reviewed Delta 8 wax dabs on the market. We have hundred of five star reviews on YouTube, which makes us the most reviewed delta 8 wax company online. Try our huge selection of Delta 8 wax dabs while they're in stock!


Delta 8 THC Wax Concentrates or "Dabs"

Delta 8 THC Dabs

Delta 8 wax, also known as Delta 8 wax dabs or Delta 8 concentrate, is a very strong cannabis plant concentrate. Delta 8 wax can be vaporized with a dab rig providing the user with a euphoric and blissful experience.Typical Delta 8 dabs or wax concentrates have a golden color tint similar to candle wax and it is very sticky. A high potency makes dabbin’ Delta 8 a great way to experience your wax concentrate purchase.

Delta 8 Wax Benefits

Delta 8 wax as it’s name alludes is a concentrate which means it is quite strong, you can expect a powerful D8 experience with positives that users have reported that may include:

Improved mood

Increased focus

Healthy appetite

Help Sore Muscles


Serene Tree Delta 8 Wax

There are plenty of Delta 8 THC flavors at Serene Tree. Try them all or grab one of our Serene Tree Delta-8 THC Concentrate Subscription Sample Box’s and see which ones you like best!

Dabbin’ with Serene Tree Delta 8

Dab is a slang term used to describe all types cannabis concentrates, or extracts. It also suggests the size of the wax used, simply because dabs are usually tiny. But, hold the iphone; this product can pack a wallop. A person who “dabs” are called a “dabber” or if it’s multiple folks they’re “dabbers”.

What is a Delta 8 THC concentrate?

So, these concentrates are like the VIPs of the cannabis and hemp world. They're whipped up from the trichomes of the plants, which pack in the Delta 8 THC along with some other cool compounds. Now, why are they so special? It's all about that high concentration – we're talking potent stuff here.Depending on what you're checking out, these concentrates might rock an amber color. And sometimes, they've got this thick or sticky vibe going on. It's like the heavyweight champ of the cannabis scene – strong, concentrated, and ready to make an impact

How are D8 concentrates made?

So, there's a bunch of ways to make these concentrates, and they basically fall into two camps. First up, you got the chill, hands-on methods called physical separation (or solventless). Think dry sift, steam, ice-water, and even a bit of heat and pressure using a mechanical press – you know, getting down to business without any crazy chemicals.Then, there's the chemical extraction crew. They use solvents like butane, carbon dioxide, ethanol, and propane. It's a bit more like a science experiment, but it gets the job done. Now, what's the goal here? It's all about separating those trichomes (fancy term for the good stuff) from the plant material. So, whether they're going hands-on or getting a bit sci-fi with solvents, the endgame is to craft those D9 concentrates. It's a mix of art and science, and it's all about getting the good stuff from the plant.

What do I need to Dab Delta 8 Wax Dabs:

• Serene Tree's Delta 8 wax

• Grab yourself a dope dab rig, the kind that's crafted for peak performance.

• Get your hands on Serene Tree's butane torch or e-nail for that precision heating – no guesswork here.

• Don't forget the Serene Tree dabber tool – it's like the sidekick for easy dabbing.

• Want to level up the experience? Toss in a Serene Tree carb cap – totally optional.

Delta 8 Dab Steps:

• Fill your dab rig with water for smooth hits.

• Grab your Serene Tree dabber tool and put a small amount of Delta 8 wax on the nail. First time? always start slow and increase gradually if neeeded.

• Heat the nail with your butane torch or e-nail to around 350-450°F.

• Inhale slowly as the wax vaporizes. Enjoy the Serene Tree experience.

• If you got a carb cap, slap it on for max vaporization.

• Exhale and relax